Building Permits - Applications and Fees

Applying for a building permit?

If the house number is 3 digits, it will be located within the Town limits of Dublin and you will need to come to our office to apply for any building permits or call 540-674-4778 (Deanna) or 540-674-4798 (Tye) with any questions regarding such matters.

If the house number is 4 digits, it is NOT located within the Town limits of Dublin and you will need to call Pulaski County (540-980-7710) to apply or ask questions regarding any building permits.


The permit applications below are to be filled out completely online then printed and signed. Bring the completed application along with the necessary fees to the town office. Email:


Town of Dublin Building Permit Fees

Effective July 1, 2018

Residential Construction $0.16 per square foot
(Dwellings, detached garages -
plus any applicable trade fees)
$0.16 per square foot
(Commercial, Industrial Construction -
plus any applicable trade fees)
$50.00 for first $10,000 of construction cost,
plus $3.50 per $1,000 of cost thereafter up to
$100,000 of construction cost; then plus $1.50 per $1,000 of cost over $100,000 of construction cost
(Trade fee, Residential & Commercial)
(Trade fee, Residential & Commercial)
(Trade fee, Residential & Commercial
includes HVAC & Gas Service)
Manufactured Home – Single-wide
(Plus any applicable trade fees)
Manufactured Home – Double-wide
(Plus any applicable trade fees)
Manufactured Home – Triple-wide
(Plus any applicable trade fees)
Replace Existing Mechanical Equipment $50.00
Insulation Installation $50.00
Temporary Electric Service or Discontinue Electric Service $50.00
Demolition $50.00
Swimming Pool $50.00
Certification of Occupancy for Existing Structures $50.00
Annual Backflow Inspection or Test $50.00
Elevator $50.00
(Activity/Construction type not otherwise specified but for which a permit is required by the Uniform Statewide Building Code)
Re-inspection Fee $50.00
Relocate an Existing Structure $50.00
State Imposed Permit Surcharge 2% of Permit(s) Total
If any project has been commenced without the proper permit(s) therefor, then the applicable fee(s) shall be 1.5 times the amount(s) stated above.

Steps for On-Line Payments for Building Permits

Click the Pay Now button below

Make a Payment button Box under – Payment Option for:

Enter: Building Permit Number

Amount: $ Online Fee is 2.75%

Select: Debit/Credit or Check


Enter – Payor Information


Enter – Payment Options

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