News & Announcements
Town of Dublin Special Elections
April 5, 2021
The Town of Dublin Special Election candidate deadline is June 8th at 7 pm. Candidate packages will be available beginning April 8th and can be picked up at the Registrar’s Office at 87 Commerce Street, Pulaski. We are open 8:30 to 4:30 Monday...
Spring Clean Up
March 25, 2021
The Town of Dublin will hold Spring Clean-up for Town residents April 19th-30th. Residents can place their items by the curb for Town employees to pick up; employees are not allowed to come onto the property. Take doors off of appliances for safety...
Things To Know
January 29, 2021
The Commonwealth of Virginia Has assessed an annual fee of $2.95 per water account for its expense to administer various water regulations. This charge has been assessed by the state to all water systems in Virginia. This fee has been applied to this...
Pulaski County Internet Survey
November 16, 2020
The Pulaski County Board of Supervisors, in collaboration with the County of Bland, announces a regional initiative to study broadband internet accessibility and capacity. This study is part of a larger three-county broadband project which includes...
COVID-19 Information
March 19, 2020
Please be advised of the following measurers The Town of Dublin has engaged in to hlep keep our citizens and personnel safe: Encourage the public to utilize email, regular mail, telephones, teleconferencing, and other appropriate communication...
Attention Homeowners & Landlords
The Fire Marshal is requesting that all Houses/Apartments have their house numbers displayed on the front of the residence near the front door and numbers must be at least 5 inches in height.
New Garbage Schedule
Beginning January 2, 2020, garbage collection for In-Town residents of the Town of Dublin (3 digits or less house/business number) will be changing from a five day collection service to a three day collection service. If your garbage is normally...
Town Decals
Dublin Town Decals have been extended until June 30, 2020. Questions please call 540-674-4731
Water & Sewer
In the event of a water break or sewer blockage after Town Office hours, call 540-980-7800