Things To Know
January 29, 2021
The Commonwealth of Virginia Has assessed an annual fee of $2.95 per water account for its expense to administer various water regulations. This charge has been assessed by the state to all water systems in Virginia. This fee has been applied to this month's billing only.
Our Office is closed to the public until further notice. Payments ma be made in our payment drop box located in our parking lot, at the drive-thru window at National Bank or Atlantic Union bank (located in the Town of Dublin only) until the 20th of each month, through the Town's website If you need new service, please call our office at 540-674-4731 during normal business hours or follow the signage on the 4x8 information board located beside our payment drop box.
Important Message for customers with Radio-Read Meters
Due to problems with our computer and radio-read software, your February 2021 water bill will show usage dates over 30 days, March 2021 water bills will be less than 30 days. The problem has been corrected and your April water bill will be back to a normal 30-day cycle. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.